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Beyond Prosperity

It has always bothered me that the main focus of prosperity has been on becoming a millionaire.  This strengthens the notion that to be prosperous, one has to have lots of money.  Prosperity is defined in the Webster dictionary as the condition of being successful or thriving; especially economic well-being.  I wonder when we started to focus on "especially economic well-being".  The question is does someone need lots of money to be prosperous?  Prosperity comes from a Latin word prosper meaning "favorable, fortunate, lucky".  So when did the English language focus on prosperous as having lots of money?

In my opinion, the goal should be on moving beyond prosperity and money to focus on affluence.  Affluence comes from a Latin word affluere which means "come flocking in".  This does not mean that we need to be lucky and thus others need to be unlucky.  Luck infers that you do not deserve what you get.  To be affluent means that we are in the flow of the universe where our prosperity comes "flocking in", not only in money but other areas of your life like love and happiness.  Flow is our natural abundance where we are a conduit to the flow of life, both giving and receiving.  When everyone gives and receives, there is no lack in the universe.  Lack comes in when we hoard and try to hold on too tightly to what we have.

In looking at the levels of prosperity (or lack there of), we tend to live life from one of three perspectives:

Limited Universe
Prosperous Universe
Limitless Universe
Focus on what you don't have
Focus on what you want
Focus on what you have
I have what I need
I Am
There is
In Control

Limited Universe

By seeing the universe from a poverty consciousness, one see the world as limited.  In a limited universe, there is only so much to go around and resources are scarce.  For some to be rich, others need to be poor.  Even though people in this universe may not be living in poverty (how we define it financially), they can be living their life by trying to avoid poverty and being poor.  They work hard and find ways to make ends meet and never seem to get ahead.  Their focus is on what they do not have. 

People who live in this universe can have some common personality traits.  They have resentments about how some people have what appears to be such a easy life and are jealous of others who win the lottery or make lots of money.  They may feel that they are being punished for not being smart enough (e.g., due to not going to college) or for making a bad investment decisions.  They feel apathetic and powerless to change their lot in life.  No matter what they do, they never seem to get ahead.  What may sound odd is that they have a tendency to be controlling, especially with their children.  This is because it gives them a sense of power in an area that they can control when other parts of their lives seems out of control.

Prosperous Universe

The opposite of a limited universe is a prosperous universe.  The two universes (prosperous and limited) actually co-exist.  To have one universe, the other opposite universe must also exits.  For some people to be poor, some people must be rich. 

Many of the characteristics between the two universes are complete opposites.  For example, instead of focusing on what one does not have in a limited universe from a poor me attitude, one focuses on what they want to have from what do I deserve attitude in a prosperous universe.  In a prosperous universe, one understands that it is their own thoughts that may limit them having what they want.  Thus, instead of resenting those who have money (holding negative thoughts about money), one is forgiving (letting go of blame and resentments).  They are actually applauding those who have more because they know that receiving that wealth is achievable for them as well.

Being in a state of prosperity consciousness is about creating the energy that they want in their life.  It is about setting goals of what they want and working to create their dreams.  This is an enlightened state to be in because they understand that they can create their reality.  Yet, it is always an underlying belief that they need to fight for their share of the financial pie. 

Limitless Universe

The level beyond a prosperous universe is an affluent/limitless universe, limitless opportunity, limitless in providing what one needs.  In this universe, people know that when they need something the universe will provide what they need.  Thus, there is no need to accumulate more and more (e.g., hoarding and protecting your wealth) because the universe is a constant stream of providing what they need and they pass on the excess to others to keep the flow moving.  They are a conduit to the flow of the universe.  For them to get their share, they do not need to deny someone else of their own share.  They can help others by knowing that their needs are taken care of.  This does not mean frivolous spending or giving more than what one has.  If a light bulb gives more or uses more energy than it receives, it burns out.   If someone gives more or spends more than what he has, he will go in debt.

Below is on overview of  some of the differences between a limited, limitless and abundant universe:

Characteristics of  Limited Universe
Prosperous Universe
Limitless Universe
The difference between poverty, prosperity and affluence is a state of mind.  Poverty is about lack.  Prosperity is about creating the wealth that one wants.  Affluence is about already having what one needs and wants.

Focus on what you:
... don't have
... want
... have

When one focus on what he does not have, his thinking is about limits (poverty).  When he focuses on prosperity, his thinking is about receiving what he wants.  In a limitless universe, it is about knowing that he has what he needs and wants, so the focus is on what he has now and worrying less about the future.
I have want I need
Affluence is about being content and at peace with what one has.  It is a place of enough, not trying to hold onto things (hoarding/scarcity) or receiving more and more (abundance).  If abundance comes someone's way, that is great.  But, it is in the non-pursuit of abundance that he will find peace.
I Am
Poor and millionaire are labels that someone place on himself and others to distinguish oneself.  The key is to get away from money labels and find out who you really by using the statement of I Am.  I Am .... kind, generous, courageous ....  Our society is done a disservice by making external labels (rich, poor, etc.) so important compared to internal qualities (loving, peaceful, etc.) where society pushes people into making money rather than making a difference in the world.  Think about which statement has more pizzazz to you ... I am a millionaire or I am conduit of peace.

People try to evaluate their lives by how they are rewarded or are punished in life.  If one lives in lack, he believes that he is being punished.  If he lives in prosperous universe, then he believes he is being rewarded.  Yet, we never really know why things happen in life.  Some of the greatest lessons in my life can be seen as punishment initially but turn out to be a fortunate learning experience. 

In an old fable, a town thought it was so unfortunate that a farmer's horse ran away.  The farmer did not judge the event, said it was neither good or bad.  Then the horse returned with a bunch of other wild horse, the town thought this was so fortunate for the farmer.  The farmer did not judge the event.  Then one of the wild horses bucked the man's son off, breaking the son's leg.  How unfortunate, the town thought.  The army then came by and recruited all the town's young men to fight in a war, but left the farmer's son due to his broken leg.  How fortunate!  Morale of the story is we never know why things happen.  The best thing is to take it in stride and do not judge the event.  The same should be said with having or not having wealth, either one is not a punishment or a reward, it just is. 

There is
We stay stuck in the past and live a life of limits and scarcity is by having resentments and by blaming others.  When we blame others we can not see what we can do in the present moment to move ahead towards prosperity.  We can move through resentments with forgiveness to be open to prosperity.  Yet, if we do no feel attacked (defenseless), then there is no one to blame. There just is.
Energy is the creative source of everything.  When we have no energy (apathy), we have limited resources.  When we have energy, we create and are prosperous.  Sometimes as we create prosperity, we try to put the world on our shoulders and make things happen.  However, energy is all around us.  We just need to tap into it (e.g., become a conduit) and join with others to see a world of limitless opportunity. 
The greatest power there is, is being defenseless.  When we know that we can not be attacked, we learn one life's greatest conundrums.  When we are powerless, we let people attack us and control us (live by the limits they give us).  When we are powerful, we try to defend ourselves and create our prosperity.  Yet, no matter how good the security around us and our wealth is, somehow the defense will fail.  They key is being defenseless and standing strong in who you are.  Affluence is about having money but not trying to defend it (hoard it) by evading taxes or believing that the newest state of art security system will protect us or our money.  And, if money is taken (by Uncle Sam or others), knowing that it is not worth one's life (or happiness) and is not the end of the world.
In Control
There is a saying of "Let go and let God."  By letting the universal good flow through us, we bring in more prosperity in our lives.  Sometimes the best things for us is what seems as unfortunate at the time (like getting fired from our jobs).  When we try to control the outcome, we may lose out on opportunities that the universe provides (like an even better job). 
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