Marketing Archetype The marketing archetype is about self-promotion. Many introverted individuals may want nothing to do with marketing. They may feel that it is even egotistic to try to promote their abilities. They rather go unnoticed than to be associated with what seems like sleazy marketing tactics. It is important to realize the difference between self-promotion and egotism. Self-promotion is about showing what you can do (the abilities that you have) and how you are valuable to your company and the world. Egotism is marketing abilities that exaggerates your abilities (blowing hot air). Marketing is also about finding what skills are you need to be more valuable to your company, family or community and then showcasing and improving on those skills. Why is marketing so important? In today's corporations it is not enough to do a good job. Companies are rewarding and retaining those who show their worth. You may ask, shouldn't my work speak for itself. Sometime your work will speak for itself. Yet, with companies becoming larger, you need to show management that you are a valuable to their organization. I use to be one that avoided marketing myself in my career. Then one day it hit me, if a researcher found a cure for cancer but did not promote it, the cure for cancer could be buried for another 5 years until someone notices the work. The researcher has a duty to society to promote his skills and work. So it is o.k. and necessary to boast about ones accomplishments so that your talents and expertise can be used in helping others. This does not mean that you need to over exaggerate your resume and coming off as an egotist. Egotist The egotist is one who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. This can be caused by one of two issues. One, people know that if they exaggerate their abilities that they can earn more money by getting that new job or promotion. Sometimes it works, other times they will fail miserably in their new position and will be out looking for a new job after a few months. Second, egotism is about trying to prove themselves to others. It can come from covering up a feeling of not good enough (low self-esteem) or from being too competitive (needing to constantly be better than others). So, they exaggerate their business skills (e.g., as a manager or sales person) versus seeing themselves for their internal qualities (e.g., devoted father/mother or compassionate). These people believe that their outer skills are more important than their inner skills. Shy Mouse The shy mouse does not speak up for himself. He stays in his office and hopes that his work gets noticed. Yet, as explained above, this can backfire. It is important to realize that it does not do the world any good by playing small. The shy mouse syndrome can occur for various reasons, including:
Balance Practicing truth in marketing. When you buy a product and feel that they over promised and under delivered, you will probably not use them in the future again. An egotist can ruin his reputation by doing the same thing. However, people feel that they need to over inflate their resume to get their foot into the door. This will back fire though when they are hired (may only have the job for a few months). On the other hand, for many having a little bit of ego is a good thing. Many of us are our own worst critic. We see our mistakes more than the benefits in what we do. Thus, it is good to see the gifts and abilities that you bring to the world and promote these gifts. The key is to balance it with truth in marketing. |
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