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Four Archetypes for Prosperity

There are 4 thought patterns (or archetypes) which when used properly will help lead you to a prosperous life.  For each of these archetypes, there are two corresponding destructive thought patterns which can also lead you to financial misery.  These two destructive thoughts are the opposite ends of a pole (like white and black).  However when combined in the proper balance, the thoughts will lead you to a prosperous life instead of financial misery.

For example, the first archetype is the chief financial officer (CFO) who controls your money.  The two thought patterns that the CFO uses is the penny pincher and spendthrift.  The spendthrift will blow away like an inheritance or lottery winnings in a matter of a few years.  The penny pincher will cut coupons and never feel like he has enough.  The CFO manages his money wisely, sometimes penny pinching while other times spending money on a few luxuries and on investments (like an education).  Prosperity is not about all or nothing, but rather about being in the right balance.  The other archetypes are:

Each of these four archetypes bring different values and qualities, including


  • Knows that investments and training/education create money
  • Sees and manages the entire financial picture
  • Watches the bottom line

VP of Marketing

  • Promotes the product (himself)
  • Identifies the key differences that makes the product (himself) unique
  • Creates an excitement in the marketplace for the product (himself)



  • Creates opportunities
  • Works towards a vision
  • Uses energy to manifest one's desire
  • Takes manageable risks

Human Resource Manager

  • Balances work and family life
  • Gets the best out of the workforce (himself)
  • Finds ways to motivate its workforce (himself)


If you live from these characteristics, then you will be open to prosperity.  However, each of us usually live more from one end of the poles (out of balance) instead of in balance.  Thus, one tends to live paycheck to paycheck rather than living prosperously.  Some prosperity books teach its readers either to be a penny pincher (cut debt) while others with others teach it readers to live like a gambler and invest in real estate.  Yet, it is knowing when we are out of balance both saving and investing which is the key for prosperity.  In the next four sections, I will break each of the archetypes apart to explore them in more detail.

CFO Archetype
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