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Energy Pillar to a Prosperous Life

Energy is the source of creativity.  Have you ever seen a motivational speaker who did not have energy?  It is difficult to motivate without energy and passion.  Motivational speakers use energy to connect to others and move people to action, for two reasons:

  • Energy attracts.  Like-minded energy is like a magnet, it attracts similar energy while opposite-minded energy repels.

    The key is to determine where you have energy or lack energy in your life.  First, look at your job.  Do you just try to make it to the end of the day?  Or, do you have passion and energy for your work, constantly giving 110%?  Guess who the boss will reward and promote.

    Next, look at your leisure activities.  Are they filled with energy or sitting in front of the television?  I myself just went through a few months where I was watching a lot of television.  Simultaneously, I noticed my energy falling away.  Where in your life do you have low energy?

  • Energy creates.  Why do people go to motivational speakers?  They want to create change in their lives and tap into the speaker's and group's energy to create these changes. 

    Think about what you want to be different in your life.  What energy have you put towards this change?  Have you given 100% energy?  If not, I would look at your beliefs about the change.  For example, do you believe that things can change and that you deserve the change?  These negative beliefs are called resistance.  They stop the flow of energy and block the change.  I will talk about this more in the next section.

    Newton's 1st law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.  Thus, if you feel that your life is getting stale, then consider what energy you are putting towards getting your life in motion?  It will take energy.

So how do I create energy?

It is not about creating energy, per se.  Energy is already all around us: in the food we eat, in our friends, in the community, and in the air that we breath.  It is deciding to use the energy that we already have and selecting the right kind of energy, such as avoiding foods that will zap our energy (fatty foods) and people who always bring us down (negative people).  It is also about magnifying the energy around us and being persistent because energy is measured by intensity and duration.  So, the more we magnify our energy and keep it going, the more powerful we will be.  Using energy is a four-step process:

  • The first step in tapping into this energy is empowerment.  It is deciding that you are willing and capable of making the change you desire.  This is about believing that you deserve the change.
  • The second step is being proactive.  This will not come from a handout from someone else.  It is about you being proactive and taking the first step.  And if someone wants to help you, they can.  Yet, a helping hand will not be useful if you do not take the first step yourself.
  • The third step is to measure your energy.  As mentioned above, energy is measured by intensity and duration.  When you decide to make a change, the decision can be low intensity ("I may be able to change", "I will try to change"), or high intensity ("I am fired up, and this will happen").  Duration is measured by persistence.  Will you give up at the first sign that the change may not work?  If so, your energy is very low and the change will probably not happen. 

    Edison created the lightbulb by being persistent and knowing that it could take 1,000 attempts before he found the way.

  • The fourth step is to focus your energy.  Sometimes in life we follow our hunches and do not really know where we will end up.  That is fine.  Yet, if you end up going in 100 different directions, you may not end up anywhere.  It is important to trust your instincts and see where they take you, however make sure that your energy is focused on moving ahead and not endlessly meandering.

So how is your energy?  Do you go around life dejected, waiting for things to get better?  Or, do you have a "can-do" attitude even if it means failing a few times to get to where you want to go?

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